Sometimes, we focus so hard on highlighting our wonderful, amazing clients, that we forget to talk about how incredible our staff is! To remedy this tragedy, I would like to introduce the first of (hopefully) many staff highlights. I reached out to all of our fantastic pet care professionals and asked them to write a blurb about themselves, so our lovely readers can get to know them a bit better. So, with no further ado, I am ecstatic to introduce: Christine T!


      When my husband, daughter and I moved from NYC to Alexandria some years ago I

found myself with some extra time on my hands and thought I’d take our Labrador

Brownie to an agility-for-fun class.  Meet new people, keep the dog busy ….  Little did

I know what I was in for. For anyone who has seen “Best in Show” – agility is all that

and then some.

      By the time I got home from that first class I was completely hooked.  I’d been told

that Brownie, more couch potato than lean, mean, agility machine, needed to lose

15 pounds – no easy feat for a food-worshiping Lab! But little by little, he lost the

weight, we became more proficient on the obstacles, and we were gearing up to do

our first competition. The night before I was incredibly nervous; my daughter was

just as excited and had been scouring the internet for ‘first agility trial checklists’ –

Dogcrate, check. Fancy running shoes, check.  Special treats, check. We got our first

ribbon, a blue to boot, and that was that! Soon after I ordered my first piece of

equipment, a tunnel. My husband called me, quite bewildered – “Chris, we just had a

very large plastic tube delivered. Do we want that ??” Well, yes, yes, we do !

After a year of competing I decided that we would add to our pack. We were going

to get a Border Collie. Agility folks call this ‘joining the dark side’… Whereas Brownie

tackled agility courses in the manner of a MAC truck, slow and steady does the trick,

I now found myself behind the wheel of a Ferrari.  I realized I might be in trouble

when the 4 month old pup, Jack, started taking up the tile in the bathroom. HGTV tells me

taking up tile is an extremely difficult job requiring specialized tools and hard labor.

Jack said, nah, just give him 2 minutes unsupervised – Maybe I should have rented him out

to demolition crews!  Neurotic and high strung with a tendency towards obsessive-

compulsive behavior, Jack is also completely and utterly devoted to me. As I am to him.  


      The faster Border Collies break 7 yards a second on course, which is pretty incredible.  

They are canine athletes and are treated as such – chiropractic adjustments, massages,

underwater treadmills  for conditioning, magnetic back-on-track coats and a holistic

diet.  The dogs at the top LOVE agility, they scream to get into the ring and the worst

possible ‘correction’ for a dog is to be picked up and carried out mid-run.  Handlers

obsessively track points and clean runs (also known as “Qs”) and celebrate a big title

like the Master Agility Champion (the coveted ‘MACH’) with an elaborate cake to be

shared at the next competition.



      Jack and I have done well enough to attend multiple Nationals, Westminster and

several World Team Tryouts. We have competed in Europe and made multiple Finals.

But at the end of the day, he is still also ‘just’ a pet, snuggling up under the covers at night

and begging for pizza crusts.



So there ya have it! The amazing Christine T. and the equally incredible Jack. I don’t know about you, but I feel inspired to go out and try something new with my dog!