Staff Highlight: Christine T.

2018-04-18T07:44:18-04:00April 18th, 2018|

Sometimes, we focus so hard on highlighting our wonderful, amazing clients, that we forget to talk about how incredible our staff is! To remedy this [...]

Introducing…Adventure Cat!

2018-04-09T18:44:03-04:00April 9th, 2018|

So Saturday was one of my favorite days of the year. I’ve just discovered it, and I’m obsessed. It was National No Housework Day! Now, [...]

The Kittens Are Coming!

2018-03-28T20:04:08-04:00March 28th, 2018|

                Warm(ish) weather is upon us... which means that KITTEN SEASON is here (and puppy season)! Feral and [...]

Happy National Puppy Day!

2018-03-23T21:07:28-04:00March 23rd, 2018|

Welcome to the most adorable day of the year...National Puppy Day! Springtime is one of the busiest times of the year for puppy adoptions. It’s [...]

Welcome to Spring… Sort Of

2018-03-22T21:59:58-04:00March 22nd, 2018|

  Phew, we made it through Winter (mostly)...welcome to Spring (ish)! In honor of the official beginning of beautiful sunny days and blue skies (or [...]

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